We exceeded our goal and was able to give $50,548.92 for a church build in India, and to buy sewing machines to help rescued women become self-supported.
The improvements to the church building and additions to their job skills training program will allow our partners to reach even more women with the Gospel.
The improvements to the church building and additions to their job skills training program will allow our partners to reach even more women with the Gospel.
2018 Christmas Giving Project: Water for Ishmael
Goal: $45,000 - Results - $45,818
We were able to help with their match challenge on purchasing their own building. They closed on their building November 27, 2019.
We were able to help with their match challenge on purchasing their own building. They closed on their building November 27, 2019.
2017 Christmas Giving Project: Jesus Film in New Language!
Goal: $38,000 - Results - $72,325.46CHRISTMAS GIVING PROJECT UPDATE:
We give thanks to God for His abundant provision! In cooperation with our Jesus Film missionary, here’s how the funds will be designated:
Echo Ranch Bible Camp
Our Christmas Giving Project in 2016, we partnered with Echo Ranch Bible Camp in Juneau, Alaska to help build a new chapel. Constructing a new chapel will provide the needed space for the growing number of campers to hear Christ's words of life. Our church contributed $34,765 towards the chapel and will be sending a team in June to help in building the chapel.
Learn more about Echo Ranch
Learn more about Echo Ranch
Watch this video for an explanation of the Chapel Project!
Bibles for Persecuted Christians
Our Christmas Giving Project in 2015, we partnered with Voice of the Martyrs, who ministers to the persecuted church through the world. Our goal was to bless persecuted Christians by providing them with Bibles and ongoing prayer support. Our church contributed $48,928.00 to help provide 8154 Bibles.
Restore Church
As our Christmas Giving Project in 2014, we decided to help Restore Church in Detroit, MI with renovating their nursery and bathrooms, and adding a kitchen. Our church contributed $43,604.93 to this project (an additional $3,000 came in after presenting Restore Church their check).
We received this thank you note from Pastor Mike Hanafee from Restore Church Detroit:
"Dear Pastor Blair and FEFC, I do not have nearly sufficient grip of the English language to even begin to express the gratitude Restore Church has for your amazing sacrificial generosity! We are quite simply blown away! Deeply grateful for your partnership. May we see many come to Christ in Findlay, Detroit, and beyond! All because of grace. - Mike, Revelation 7:9
"Dear Pastor Blair and FEFC, I do not have nearly sufficient grip of the English language to even begin to express the gratitude Restore Church has for your amazing sacrificial generosity! We are quite simply blown away! Deeply grateful for your partnership. May we see many come to Christ in Findlay, Detroit, and beyond! All because of grace. - Mike, Revelation 7:9
Resounding Hope Radios Project
As our Christmas Giving Project for 2013, we contributed $31,393.01 to provide 523 solar portable radios. Each radio will reach a Haitian household of approximately 6 people, broadcasting the life-changing information of Radio 4VEH for years to come. An audio version of Bible passages is also included, especially helpful for those who can't read.
City Mission
Our Christmas Giving Project in 2012, we supported the City Mission. We contributed a total of $34,575.89. For the operating costs we gave $20,000.00 and $13,575.89 was given for the Capital Campaign.
Jesus Wells
As our Christmas Giving Project in 2011, we decided to provide Jesus Wells through Gospel for Asia. These wells helped provide clean water for the people of India, as well as, a chance to hear about the "Living Water," Jesus Christ. Our church contributed $31,000 for 31 wells.
A Letter from one of the pastors who received a Jesus Well...
Pastor Manoj has been serving the Lord in a village in South Asia. He has a fellowship with thirty believers. Most of the time he visits believers’ houses and arranges prayer meetings. As a result of his effort, his fellowship is growing.
The majority of the people are Hindus and do cultivation for their livelihood. In this area, there was not water facility that would supply them with pure and sufficient water. The villagers were using water from a pond, but they did not get pure water for their daily needs. In the summer season, the pond water would dry up and they used to struggle to even get water for drinking and cooking their food. They were greatly in need of a Jesus Well to meet their needs. Now, by the grace of God, Pastor Manoj and the team were able to install a Jesus Well for this suffering community. All of the villagers are so happy that they have been saved from the water crisis. They are really excited to use it for their daily needs. They said that the Jesus Well is a great blessing for them. Every day, one hundred people are using this well.
As a result of the installation of the Jesus Well, the way has been opened for our Pastor Manoj and the believers to have a closer relationship with their neighbors. They now can better share the Gospel with them. Please pray that the people in other faiths will soon turn to the Lord Jesus and accept Him as their personal Savior.
Pastor Manoj has been serving the Lord in a village in South Asia. He has a fellowship with thirty believers. Most of the time he visits believers’ houses and arranges prayer meetings. As a result of his effort, his fellowship is growing.
The majority of the people are Hindus and do cultivation for their livelihood. In this area, there was not water facility that would supply them with pure and sufficient water. The villagers were using water from a pond, but they did not get pure water for their daily needs. In the summer season, the pond water would dry up and they used to struggle to even get water for drinking and cooking their food. They were greatly in need of a Jesus Well to meet their needs. Now, by the grace of God, Pastor Manoj and the team were able to install a Jesus Well for this suffering community. All of the villagers are so happy that they have been saved from the water crisis. They are really excited to use it for their daily needs. They said that the Jesus Well is a great blessing for them. Every day, one hundred people are using this well.
As a result of the installation of the Jesus Well, the way has been opened for our Pastor Manoj and the believers to have a closer relationship with their neighbors. They now can better share the Gospel with them. Please pray that the people in other faiths will soon turn to the Lord Jesus and accept Him as their personal Savior.