2019 Christmas Giving Project
Who: WAR (Women At Risk)--empowering those at risk of human trafficking by creating circles of protection and hope around them in the name of Jesus Christ.
What: To raise money for a church build in India, and to buy sewing machines to help rescued women become self-supported. The improvements to the church building and additions to their job skills training program will allow our partners to reach even more women with the Gospel.
Goal: $46,200 (You can make check out to Findlay Evangelical Free Church and designate "Christmas Project" on the memo line.)
A Hand Up
"P" and Rosalie are amazing people. They rescue women every day and empower them to provide for themselves while living in a society that is oppressive. They rent a room in the worst Red Light district in their town and welcome women to come and escape from their frightening, sometimes dangerous customers. With the proceeds from his business, "P" pays for a free clinic and evangelistic programs. Here the child Sweetie and many others are being rescued.
Sweetie was born in the brothel of an Indian slum. Tethered to a pole, she spent her toddler years playing near a gutter full of needles, condoms, and rats. Thanks to "P" and Rosalie, this beautiful little girl is safe for the moment in an Indian foster home, but dangers still abound and her continued freedom and safety are not guaranteed.
"P" and Rosalie's ministry is multifaceted. Their sewing classes train women to make a living wage of $1 to $2 per blouse which allows them to earn about as much as a man makes in one month. These classes, held on the porch of their unfinished church, teach them about the Lord Jesus Christ. Dozens of women have learned to sew and hear about Christ, but they want to expand their reach. They need our help. In partnership with Women at Risk, International (WAR, Int'l) and Becky McDonald, "P" and Rosalie are asking for help to finish their half-constructed church building. This building protects the women from persecution which often happens when they rent from non-believers.
How You Can Help
To complete their church building, "P" and Rosalie need $24,200. This will finish the walls, put up pillars, add a roof, improve the interior, install bathrooms, and more. To continue job skills training and sharing the Gospel, they need $12,000 for sewing machines, transportation, and startup kits.
They also need another $10,000 for the next phase: starting their own Kotex industry, because imported products in India are too expensive. This idea came from WAR Int'l’s African partner orphanage which has a sewing machine to make sanitary products. With this special machine, "P" and Rosalie will train at-risk women to make these products and sell them door to door, along with their other sewn goods and jewelry. This is exciting because it provides an excuse for women to meet women, share their faith and invite them to join this job training program which includes a Bible study.
That adds up to a total of $46,200. This is the fundraising goal for our two locations. For accountability, this donation is being managed by WAR, Int’l.
Please be in prayer about how God might have you give the gift of dignity and the Gospel this Christmas season.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Matthew 28:19
What: To raise money for a church build in India, and to buy sewing machines to help rescued women become self-supported. The improvements to the church building and additions to their job skills training program will allow our partners to reach even more women with the Gospel.
Goal: $46,200 (You can make check out to Findlay Evangelical Free Church and designate "Christmas Project" on the memo line.)
A Hand Up
"P" and Rosalie are amazing people. They rescue women every day and empower them to provide for themselves while living in a society that is oppressive. They rent a room in the worst Red Light district in their town and welcome women to come and escape from their frightening, sometimes dangerous customers. With the proceeds from his business, "P" pays for a free clinic and evangelistic programs. Here the child Sweetie and many others are being rescued.
Sweetie was born in the brothel of an Indian slum. Tethered to a pole, she spent her toddler years playing near a gutter full of needles, condoms, and rats. Thanks to "P" and Rosalie, this beautiful little girl is safe for the moment in an Indian foster home, but dangers still abound and her continued freedom and safety are not guaranteed.
"P" and Rosalie's ministry is multifaceted. Their sewing classes train women to make a living wage of $1 to $2 per blouse which allows them to earn about as much as a man makes in one month. These classes, held on the porch of their unfinished church, teach them about the Lord Jesus Christ. Dozens of women have learned to sew and hear about Christ, but they want to expand their reach. They need our help. In partnership with Women at Risk, International (WAR, Int'l) and Becky McDonald, "P" and Rosalie are asking for help to finish their half-constructed church building. This building protects the women from persecution which often happens when they rent from non-believers.
How You Can Help
To complete their church building, "P" and Rosalie need $24,200. This will finish the walls, put up pillars, add a roof, improve the interior, install bathrooms, and more. To continue job skills training and sharing the Gospel, they need $12,000 for sewing machines, transportation, and startup kits.
They also need another $10,000 for the next phase: starting their own Kotex industry, because imported products in India are too expensive. This idea came from WAR Int'l’s African partner orphanage which has a sewing machine to make sanitary products. With this special machine, "P" and Rosalie will train at-risk women to make these products and sell them door to door, along with their other sewn goods and jewelry. This is exciting because it provides an excuse for women to meet women, share their faith and invite them to join this job training program which includes a Bible study.
That adds up to a total of $46,200. This is the fundraising goal for our two locations. For accountability, this donation is being managed by WAR, Int’l.
Please be in prayer about how God might have you give the gift of dignity and the Gospel this Christmas season.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Matthew 28:19