Who is this Man? Our Savior
Mark 11:1-11
Receive and follow Jesus as your King.
I. The Passover Feast: Jesus is my ______________, Exodus 12.
A. The timing of the Passover.
B. The people’s expectation of their king.
II. The Donkey: Jesus is my _____________, 11:1-6.
See Zechariah 9:9-10
III. The Cheering Crowd: Jesus is my _______________, 11:7-11.
A. The coats and palm branches.
B. The meaning of their cheering:
Conclusion: Are you following Jesus as King of your life?
Receive and follow Jesus as your King.
I. The Passover Feast: Jesus is my ______________, Exodus 12.
A. The timing of the Passover.
B. The people’s expectation of their king.
II. The Donkey: Jesus is my _____________, 11:1-6.
See Zechariah 9:9-10
III. The Cheering Crowd: Jesus is my _______________, 11:7-11.
A. The coats and palm branches.
B. The meaning of their cheering:
- “Hosanna,” see Psalm 118:25-26
- “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.”
- “The coming kingdom of our father David,” see Jeremiah 23:5-6.
Conclusion: Are you following Jesus as King of your life?