Stay Christ-Centered
1 Timothy 4:12-16
A Christ-centered church is filled with believers who passionately pursue the Lord Jesus.
Introduction: How are you spending your dash?
I. Be a _______-__________ in Christ-centered character, 4:12, 15, 16a.
A. Show yourself as an example, 4:12.
B. Show people your progress, 4:15-16a.
II. Be a ______-____________ in Bible-centered ministry, 4:13-14, 16b.
A. Go teach the Bible, 4:13.
B. Go use your spiritual gift, 4:14.
C. Keep going until you go to heaven, 4:16b.
Application: What changes do you need to make to “spend the rest of your dash” in a Christ-centered way?
“Only one life, twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”
~ CT Studd
A Christ-centered church is filled with believers who passionately pursue the Lord Jesus.
Introduction: How are you spending your dash?
I. Be a _______-__________ in Christ-centered character, 4:12, 15, 16a.
A. Show yourself as an example, 4:12.
B. Show people your progress, 4:15-16a.
II. Be a ______-____________ in Bible-centered ministry, 4:13-14, 16b.
A. Go teach the Bible, 4:13.
B. Go use your spiritual gift, 4:14.
C. Keep going until you go to heaven, 4:16b.
Application: What changes do you need to make to “spend the rest of your dash” in a Christ-centered way?
“Only one life, twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”
~ CT Studd