Standing Firm in Marriage
1 Peter 3:1-12
Win the Super Bowl of marriage by following the Coach’s game plan.
I. Play for the _________ of the Coach,1 Pet. 2:9; 12.
II. Play your ______________ wisely, Genesis 3.
A. Satan, 1 Peter 5:8
B. Sin, Genesis 3:16b
III. Play your God-given ____________, 3:1-7.
A. Wife: Follow your husband's _________.
1. Winning your unsaved husband:
a. Submission
b. Inner beauty
B. Husband: Fulfill your wife’s ___________.
1. Study your wife.
2. Honor your wife as a co-heir in Christ.
IV. Play as a ____________, 3:8-12.
A. Unity in ___________
B. Unity in _________
C. Unity by God’s __________
Win the Super Bowl of marriage by following the Coach’s game plan.
I. Play for the _________ of the Coach,1 Pet. 2:9; 12.
II. Play your ______________ wisely, Genesis 3.
A. Satan, 1 Peter 5:8
B. Sin, Genesis 3:16b
III. Play your God-given ____________, 3:1-7.
A. Wife: Follow your husband's _________.
1. Winning your unsaved husband:
a. Submission
b. Inner beauty
B. Husband: Fulfill your wife’s ___________.
1. Study your wife.
2. Honor your wife as a co-heir in Christ.
IV. Play as a ____________, 3:8-12.
A. Unity in ___________
B. Unity in _________
C. Unity by God’s __________