Standing Firm in the Security of Salvation - Part 3
1 Peter 1:6-12
The security of God’s eternal salvation anchors me through trials.
I. I can stand firm because God has a ____________ for my trials, 1:6-9.
A. Why does suffering exist?
B. God uses trials to refine my ______ and _______.
1. My joy can overflow through trials, 1:6, 8.
2. My faith is refined through trials, 1:7.
3. My refined faith will be rewarded, 1:7.
4. My trials are short term, 1:6.
5. My trials draw me closer to Jesus, 1:8-9
II. I can stand firm because God’s salvation is _________________ prophecy, 1:10-12.
A. Stand firm because the _______________ of salvation is now revealed.
B. Stand firm because the salvation message is ______________. (See 2 Peter 1:20-21)
The security of God’s eternal salvation anchors me through trials.
I. I can stand firm because God has a ____________ for my trials, 1:6-9.
A. Why does suffering exist?
B. God uses trials to refine my ______ and _______.
1. My joy can overflow through trials, 1:6, 8.
2. My faith is refined through trials, 1:7.
3. My refined faith will be rewarded, 1:7.
4. My trials are short term, 1:6.
5. My trials draw me closer to Jesus, 1:8-9
II. I can stand firm because God’s salvation is _________________ prophecy, 1:10-12.
A. Stand firm because the _______________ of salvation is now revealed.
B. Stand firm because the salvation message is ______________. (See 2 Peter 1:20-21)