Repent and Be Baptized
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Acts 2:22-41
It is God’s plan for you to repent, believe, and be baptized in Jesus’ name.
I. Four proofs that Jesus is God’s plan for you:
A. God authenticated Jesus as His Son through many ________________, 2:22.
B. God planned to _____________ Jesus for your sins, 2:23.
C. God planned to ________ Jesus from the dead, 2:24, 32.
D. God planned to ______________ Jesus, 2:33, 36.
II. Two ways you should respond to Jesus, 2:38-41.
A. R____________!
B. Be b_______________ in Jesus’ name (see Rom. 6:3-5).
Have you been baptized in Jesus’ name?
Our next baptism service is planned for March 22.
Acts 2:22-41
It is God’s plan for you to repent, believe, and be baptized in Jesus’ name.
I. Four proofs that Jesus is God’s plan for you:
A. God authenticated Jesus as His Son through many ________________, 2:22.
B. God planned to _____________ Jesus for your sins, 2:23.
C. God planned to ________ Jesus from the dead, 2:24, 32.
D. God planned to ______________ Jesus, 2:33, 36.
II. Two ways you should respond to Jesus, 2:38-41.
A. R____________!
B. Be b_______________ in Jesus’ name (see Rom. 6:3-5).
Have you been baptized in Jesus’ name?
Our next baptism service is planned for March 22.