Remain Gospel Centered
1 Timothy 3:14-16
A Christ-centered church remains gospel centered in a pluralistic world.
I. We will __________ gospel centered ministers thoroughly, 3:14-15a.
What gospel centered training do I need to take advantage of?
II. We will ______________ the Church’s true identity, 3:15b.
In what ways do I need to better treasure the Church’s true identity?
III. We will ______________ the gospel courageously, 3:16.
To whom do I need to proclaim the gospel courageously?
A Christ-centered church remains gospel centered in a pluralistic world.
I. We will __________ gospel centered ministers thoroughly, 3:14-15a.
What gospel centered training do I need to take advantage of?
II. We will ______________ the Church’s true identity, 3:15b.
In what ways do I need to better treasure the Church’s true identity?
III. We will ______________ the gospel courageously, 3:16.
To whom do I need to proclaim the gospel courageously?