Refocusing my Life
Colossians 3:5-11
My identity in Jesus motivates my new way of living.
Put away my _____ life and put on my _____ life in Jesus, 3:5-11.
A. Put to __________ my old life, 3:5-7!
1. Sexual promiscuity
2. Evil desires
3. Greed
4. Why?
a. God’s wrath.
b. These are in my past.
B. Put __________ my old life, 3:8!
1. Sinful _____________
2. Spite
3. Sinful ___________
C. Put away ___________, 3:9-11!
1. Why?
a. I am new and being made new.
b. I am part of a new community.
What old ways do I need to put to death?
What new ways do I need to put on?
My identity in Jesus motivates my new way of living.
Put away my _____ life and put on my _____ life in Jesus, 3:5-11.
A. Put to __________ my old life, 3:5-7!
1. Sexual promiscuity
2. Evil desires
3. Greed
4. Why?
a. God’s wrath.
b. These are in my past.
B. Put __________ my old life, 3:8!
1. Sinful _____________
2. Spite
3. Sinful ___________
C. Put away ___________, 3:9-11!
1. Why?
a. I am new and being made new.
b. I am part of a new community.
What old ways do I need to put to death?
What new ways do I need to put on?