Reaching Wide Through Service: The Heart of a Servant
Matthew 20:17-28
True greatness comes through serving others, just like Jesus did.
I. The world’s model for success is _________: ______________, 20:20-25.
II. Jesus’ model for success is _________: _________________, 20:26-27.
A. “It is not this way among you.”
B. True success, having the disposition of a…
III. Jesus is THE model for true success, 20:17-19, 28.
A. Jesus suffered on our behalf.
1. A ransom payment for our sins.
B. The Son of Man served, see Daniel 7:13-14; Phil. 2:3-11.
C. We are to serve like Jesus.
True greatness comes through serving others, just like Jesus did.
I. The world’s model for success is _________: ______________, 20:20-25.
II. Jesus’ model for success is _________: _________________, 20:26-27.
A. “It is not this way among you.”
B. True success, having the disposition of a…
- S____________
- S____________
III. Jesus is THE model for true success, 20:17-19, 28.
A. Jesus suffered on our behalf.
1. A ransom payment for our sins.
B. The Son of Man served, see Daniel 7:13-14; Phil. 2:3-11.
C. We are to serve like Jesus.