Raising Our Outreach Temperature
John 17:18; 20:19-23
As God sent Him, Jesus now sends us to proclaim the good news to lost people.
Four flames to raise our outreach temperature:
I. The ______________ that Jesus is alive! 20:19-20
II. The ______________ of Jesus to reach wide, 17:18; 20:21.
III. The ______________ of the Holy Spirit to reach wide, 20:22-23.
IV. The _______________ of the whole church to reach wide.
A. Opportunities
1. January 20 Brainstorming Meeting
2. February 17 Mobile Food Pantry
3. April 14-21 Colombia Mission Trip
As God sent Him, Jesus now sends us to proclaim the good news to lost people.
Four flames to raise our outreach temperature:
I. The ______________ that Jesus is alive! 20:19-20
II. The ______________ of Jesus to reach wide, 17:18; 20:21.
III. The ______________ of the Holy Spirit to reach wide, 20:22-23.
IV. The _______________ of the whole church to reach wide.
A. Opportunities
1. January 20 Brainstorming Meeting
2. February 17 Mobile Food Pantry
3. April 14-21 Colombia Mission Trip