Pursuing Godliness
1 Timothy 6:3-8
A Christ-centered church pursues true godliness by teaching the true gospel.
I. Truly Godly people live and teach the true ______________, 6:3-5.
A. Four tests for examining the godliness of a teacher:
1. __________________, 6:3
2. __________________, 6:4a
3. __________________, 6:4b-5a
4. __________________, 6:5b
B. A call to…
1. _____________
2. _____________
3. _____________
A Christ-centered church pursues true godliness by teaching the true gospel.
I. Truly Godly people live and teach the true ______________, 6:3-5.
A. Four tests for examining the godliness of a teacher:
1. __________________, 6:3
2. __________________, 6:4a
3. __________________, 6:4b-5a
4. __________________, 6:5b
B. A call to…
1. _____________
2. _____________
3. _____________