Prove it! How Do We Knows Jesus Even Existed?
Many ancient non-Christian sources verify the existence of Jesus.
I. How do we know Jesus even existed?
A. There are 17 non-Christian sources that give us details about Jesus. ~ The Historical Jesus, Gary Habermas, chapter 9
B. Compare Acts 10:36-43 to these facts.
II. Were the stories about Jesus adapted from mythology?
A. Three reasons why this is a false claim:
B. Have faith in the real Jesus: Colossians 1:15-20!
I. How do we know Jesus even existed?
A. There are 17 non-Christian sources that give us details about Jesus. ~ The Historical Jesus, Gary Habermas, chapter 9
- Tacitus (AD 55-120): Roman historian
- Suetonius: secretary for Emperor Hadrian (AD 117-138)
- Josephus (AD 37-97): Jewish historian for the Romans
- Pliny the Younger (AD 112): Governor of Bithynia
- Babylonian Talmud (AD ~135-200)
- Lucian: 2nd century Greek satirist
- Mara Bar-Serapion: between 1st & 3rd centuries AD
B. Compare Acts 10:36-43 to these facts.
II. Were the stories about Jesus adapted from mythology?
A. Three reasons why this is a false claim:
- Christianity is _____________.
- Christianity is _____________.
- Christianity is _____________.
B. Have faith in the real Jesus: Colossians 1:15-20!