Love God & Love Our Neighbors
Matthew 22: 34-40
Rooted Deep and Reaching Wide Goals:
Rooted Deep and Reaching Wide Goals:
- Begin Right
- Know your identity-Rehearse the Gospel: Ask yourself at least three times a day am I in Christ Jesus? What does this mean for my identity? How is God calling me to live into my identity?
- Know your ultimate goal-No matter what the circumstance seek God’s glory Philippians 1:20
- Make a Concrete Plan to work toward your identity loving God and loving your neighbor:
- This week how can structure my time to love God and love my neighbors?
- When are you going to connect with God? _________________________
- What Bible passages are you going to read? What prayers are you going to pray?
- Who is God calling you to love? ________________________________________
- How are you going to love them? _______________________________________
- Write down what happened (Take note of your thoughts, attitudes, desires, and actions)
- Find someone to share this information with