Holiness: Set Apart From Sin
1 Peter 1:14-16
Be holy, because God is holy and paid a high price for you.
I. U_______________ holiness.
A. Holiness =
B. How is holiness not obtained?
C. How is holiness obtained? 1 Peter 1:2
D. Two Aspects of Holiness
1. P______________ holiness
2. P______________ holiness
II. P __________ holiness, 1:14-16.
A. Be holy!
B. How are we to be holy?
Be holy, because God is holy and paid a high price for you.
I. U_______________ holiness.
A. Holiness =
B. How is holiness not obtained?
C. How is holiness obtained? 1 Peter 1:2
D. Two Aspects of Holiness
1. P______________ holiness
2. P______________ holiness
II. P __________ holiness, 1:14-16.
A. Be holy!
B. How are we to be holy?