HD Faith: My Faith and Worldliness
James 4:4-10
Be a friend of God, rather than a friend of the world.
This passage sounds 2 alarms…
I. Too many Christians are ________ with the world, 4:4-5.
A. Evidence of worldly intoxication
B. Warnings against worldly intoxication
1. 1 Kings 18:21; Matthew 6:24; 1 John 2:15-17
2. Worldliness is spiritual adultery, 4:4
C. Examination of worldly intoxication
1. How am I drunk with the world? Revelation 3:14-20
II. God is calling us to ____________ up for Jesus, 4:6-10.
A. Stop looking ___________ and start looking ___________ for help, 4:6a.
B. Lay down your _______ and pick up _____________, 4:6b.
C. Kneel down before ________ and stand up to the _________, 4:7.
D. Get _______ to God, and He will get close to you, 4:8.
E. _______ up, and God will _________ you up, 4:8b-10.
Discussion questions:
Be a friend of God, rather than a friend of the world.
This passage sounds 2 alarms…
I. Too many Christians are ________ with the world, 4:4-5.
A. Evidence of worldly intoxication
B. Warnings against worldly intoxication
1. 1 Kings 18:21; Matthew 6:24; 1 John 2:15-17
2. Worldliness is spiritual adultery, 4:4
C. Examination of worldly intoxication
1. How am I drunk with the world? Revelation 3:14-20
II. God is calling us to ____________ up for Jesus, 4:6-10.
A. Stop looking ___________ and start looking ___________ for help, 4:6a.
B. Lay down your _______ and pick up _____________, 4:6b.
C. Kneel down before ________ and stand up to the _________, 4:7.
D. Get _______ to God, and He will get close to you, 4:8.
E. _______ up, and God will _________ you up, 4:8b-10.
Discussion questions:
- What worldliness are we welcoming into our lives?
- How can we better use God’s resources to further His work?
- How can we help each other draw nearer to God?