Going Viral with Friends
Acts 11:19-30
What are the lessons we can learn from the scattered Early Church and example of Barnabas?
1. We need to take advantage of the opportunities where God has placed us and _________________________________________.
(Acts 11:19-21; Acts 8:1-4)
2. When Going Viral, we need to look at ways that we can ___________________________________ and _______________________________________.
(Acts 11:22-24)
3. Understand how God has ________________________ and when needed ______________________________ how to use
other’s _______________________________.
Application: Who are you reaching?
1. Reach up in prayer
2. Reach out in relationship
3. Reach in with the gospel
What are the lessons we can learn from the scattered Early Church and example of Barnabas?
1. We need to take advantage of the opportunities where God has placed us and _________________________________________.
(Acts 11:19-21; Acts 8:1-4)
2. When Going Viral, we need to look at ways that we can ___________________________________ and _______________________________________.
(Acts 11:22-24)
3. Understand how God has ________________________ and when needed ______________________________ how to use
other’s _______________________________.
Application: Who are you reaching?
1. Reach up in prayer
2. Reach out in relationship
3. Reach in with the gospel