God's Colossal Compassion - Part 2
Jonah 1:1-16 (Luke 19:1-10)
Run after, not away from, God’s call to show His compassion to the lost.
I. WARNING: ____________ from God’s call is hazardous to your health.
A. Running from God’s call is…
1. A ________________
2. __________________
3. __________________
4. __________________
II. PRAISE: God ____________ runaways with His colossal compassion.
Run after, not away from, God’s call to show His compassion to the lost.
I. WARNING: ____________ from God’s call is hazardous to your health.
A. Running from God’s call is…
1. A ________________
2. __________________
3. __________________
4. __________________
II. PRAISE: God ____________ runaways with His colossal compassion.