Behold the Giver of Sight
John 9
Jesus has the power to open our eyes through faith.
I. Do I see God’s purpose for ______________? 9:1-4
II. Do I see the real ____________? 9:5-34
A. Jesus’ power
B. Reactions to Jesus’ work:
1. C____________, 9:8-13
2. R____________, 9:13-34
3. D____________, 9:18-23
4. B____________ , 9:25-33, 38
C. How have you reacted to Jesus?
III. Do I _______? 9:35-41
Jesus has the power to open our eyes through faith.
I. Do I see God’s purpose for ______________? 9:1-4
II. Do I see the real ____________? 9:5-34
A. Jesus’ power
B. Reactions to Jesus’ work:
1. C____________, 9:8-13
2. R____________, 9:13-34
3. D____________, 9:18-23
4. B____________ , 9:25-33, 38
C. How have you reacted to Jesus?
III. Do I _______? 9:35-41