Laodicea: The Complacent Church
Revelation 3:14-22
Be passionate about Christ, not comfort.
Open the door of my heart to four realizations about my relationship with Jesus.
I. Someone _________________ is Knocking! 3:14.
A. The _______________, faithful and true.
B. The _______________ of creation, Col. 1:17; Rev. 22:13.
II. Jesus Wants Me to be __________________ for Him, 3:15-16.
A. Neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm.
B. In what area of my life am I being lukewarm?
III. Personal ________________ Steals My Zeal for Jesus, 3:17-18.
A. Forces that lead to complacency.
B. What is stealing my zeal for Jesus?
IV. Jesus is Knocking Because He _____________ Me! 3:19-22
A. Jesus __________________ those He loves, Heb. 12:4-11.
B. Am I willing to open the door of my life for Jesus?
Monthly Memory Verse: Matthew 16:18
Be passionate about Christ, not comfort.
Open the door of my heart to four realizations about my relationship with Jesus.
I. Someone _________________ is Knocking! 3:14.
A. The _______________, faithful and true.
B. The _______________ of creation, Col. 1:17; Rev. 22:13.
II. Jesus Wants Me to be __________________ for Him, 3:15-16.
A. Neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm.
B. In what area of my life am I being lukewarm?
III. Personal ________________ Steals My Zeal for Jesus, 3:17-18.
A. Forces that lead to complacency.
- Comfort, Matt. 6:19-21, 24; 1 Tim. 6:9-11, 18
- Pride, Gen. 3:5; Isa. 14:14
B. What is stealing my zeal for Jesus?
IV. Jesus is Knocking Because He _____________ Me! 3:19-22
A. Jesus __________________ those He loves, Heb. 12:4-11.
B. Am I willing to open the door of my life for Jesus?
Monthly Memory Verse: Matthew 16:18