A revolution is a sudden, radical, or complete change. In human history, we’ve experienced the Industrial Revolution that suddenly changed how we work and live. In the western world, the American Revolution was a complete change in the way the world, especially England, would interact with 13 small colonies. There is a more radical revolution that was set into motion 2,000 years ago and is still revolutionizing the lives of men, women, and children everywhere – a holy revolution brought about not through innovation or military strength, but through faith in and obedience to Jesus Christ.
This holy revolution will suddenly, radically, and completely change the way a person thinks, talks, lives, and relates to others. Once living in death and as enemies of a holy God, genuine faith in Jesus leads a person to a revolutionary change in their position and their lifestyle. A lifestyle that goes against the grain of a sinful world that embraces opposition to God. A lifestyle that raises eyebrows and questions from those on the outside looking in. A lifestyle following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
This holy revolution will suddenly, radically, and completely change the way a person thinks, talks, lives, and relates to others. Once living in death and as enemies of a holy God, genuine faith in Jesus leads a person to a revolutionary change in their position and their lifestyle. A lifestyle that goes against the grain of a sinful world that embraces opposition to God. A lifestyle that raises eyebrows and questions from those on the outside looking in. A lifestyle following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
Holy Revolution Messages
July 7, 2019
Message Title: How We Grow Spiritually
Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-16
Lighthouse Community Speaker: Pastor Fritz Below
Video | Audio
July 14, 2019
Message Title: How To Live A Transformed Life
Scripture: Ephesians 4:17-32
Lighthouse Community Speaker: Pastor Fritz Below
Video | Audio
July 21, 2019
Message Title: How To Leave Behind Your Old Life
Scripture: Ephesians 5:1-20
Lighthouse Community Speaker: Pastor Fritz Below
Video | Audio
July 28, 2019
Message Title: How To Walk In Step With The Holy Spirit
Scripture: Ephesians 5:21-6:4
Lighthouse Community Speaker: Larry Seawell (elder)
Video | Audio
August 4, 2019
Message Title: How Identity Shapes Our Relationships
Scripture: Ephesians 6:5-9
Lighthouse Community Speaker: Pastor Fritz Below
Video | Audio
August 11, 2019
Message Title: How To Stand In the Face of Evil
Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-20
Lighthouse Community Speaker: Pastor Fritz Below
Video | Audio
Message Title: How We Grow Spiritually
Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-16
Lighthouse Community Speaker: Pastor Fritz Below
Video | Audio
July 14, 2019
Message Title: How To Live A Transformed Life
Scripture: Ephesians 4:17-32
Lighthouse Community Speaker: Pastor Fritz Below
Video | Audio
July 21, 2019
Message Title: How To Leave Behind Your Old Life
Scripture: Ephesians 5:1-20
Lighthouse Community Speaker: Pastor Fritz Below
Video | Audio
July 28, 2019
Message Title: How To Walk In Step With The Holy Spirit
Scripture: Ephesians 5:21-6:4
Lighthouse Community Speaker: Larry Seawell (elder)
Video | Audio
August 4, 2019
Message Title: How Identity Shapes Our Relationships
Scripture: Ephesians 6:5-9
Lighthouse Community Speaker: Pastor Fritz Below
Video | Audio
August 11, 2019
Message Title: How To Stand In the Face of Evil
Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-20
Lighthouse Community Speaker: Pastor Fritz Below
Video | Audio