Going Viral with the Good News
Acts 1:1-11
Jesus commands and empowers us to be His witnesses.
3 convictions to help us go viral with the good news:
I. The ___________ of Jesus’ resurrection, 1:1-3.
A. He convincingly presented himself alive after His suffering:
1. He _______________ to many, Luke 24:36.
2. The disciple’s ___________ Him, Luke 24:39-40.
3. The disciple’s ________ with Him, Lk .24:41-43; Ac.10:41.
4. He appeared to them over a 40-day period, Acts 13:30-31.
II. The __________ of the Holy Spirit, 1:4-8.
A. The promise of the Holy Spirit, Luke 3:16; John 16:7.
B. The power of the Holy Spirit, Acts 1:8.
C. The scope of the Holy Spirit’s witness through us:
local, regional, and global.
III. The ____________ of Jesus’ return, 1:9-11.
A. Jesus’ ascension, Luke 22:69
B. Jesus’ return, Luke 21:27
Jesus commands and empowers us to be His witnesses.
3 convictions to help us go viral with the good news:
I. The ___________ of Jesus’ resurrection, 1:1-3.
A. He convincingly presented himself alive after His suffering:
1. He _______________ to many, Luke 24:36.
2. The disciple’s ___________ Him, Luke 24:39-40.
3. The disciple’s ________ with Him, Lk .24:41-43; Ac.10:41.
4. He appeared to them over a 40-day period, Acts 13:30-31.
II. The __________ of the Holy Spirit, 1:4-8.
A. The promise of the Holy Spirit, Luke 3:16; John 16:7.
B. The power of the Holy Spirit, Acts 1:8.
C. The scope of the Holy Spirit’s witness through us:
local, regional, and global.
III. The ____________ of Jesus’ return, 1:9-11.
A. Jesus’ ascension, Luke 22:69
B. Jesus’ return, Luke 21:27
Application: Who are you reaching?
1. Reach up in prayer
2. Reach out in relationship
3. Reach in with the gospel
1. Reach up in prayer
2. Reach out in relationship
3. Reach in with the gospel