Good Friday Service - March 30, 6:00 pm
at our Heatherwood campus (2515 Heatherwood Drive)
Kids ministry for all ages!
Easter Sunday Services - Sunday, April 1
Heatherwood Campus - 8:15, 9:45, 11:15 am
(2515 Heatherwood Drive)
Lighthouse Campus - 9:27 & 11:27 am
(10055 W US Rt 224)
(2515 Heatherwood Drive)
Lighthouse Campus - 9:27 & 11:27 am
(10055 W US Rt 224)
You're invited to "Behold His Glory" - Easter Sunday morning, April 1! Discover why the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most amazing event in history as well as the most important event for your life!
You'll experience inspiring teaching from the Bible, relevant music, and a casual atmosphere. PLUS - your children will love our fun and exciting kids' ministry!
You have FIVE great worship services across TWO convenient locations to choose from!
Find out why - 2,000 years later - we're still celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
You'll experience inspiring teaching from the Bible, relevant music, and a casual atmosphere. PLUS - your children will love our fun and exciting kids' ministry!
You have FIVE great worship services across TWO convenient locations to choose from!
Find out why - 2,000 years later - we're still celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ!