Christmas Giving Project
What are you getting a persecuted Christian for Christmas?
For our Christmas Giving Project we are partnering with Voice of the Martyrs ( ministry and their Bibles Unbound program. It is our goal to supply 6,045 bibles for persecuted Christians in countries where bibles are most requested. Each bible cost 6$, so our giving goal is $36,270. Please pray for this program and those who will be receiving a Bible. If you would like to give to this project, make your check payable to “Findlay E-Free Church” and write “Christmas Giving Project” on the memo line. Please send donations by Sunday January 6, 2016. You can find out more by reading the following description…
Our persecuted brothers and sisters have two requests: "Please pray for us" and "Please send Bibles!"
Today, persecuted Christians throughout restricted and hostile nations are quietly gathering names of people who are requesting Bibles - both Christians and non-Christians seeking to know more about Christ.
Some of these people have waited years for a copy of the Bible in their own language, and many have never even owned a Bible. In most of these countries, having a Bible is a great risk. However, the requests continue: "Please send Bibles!"
Once funds are received through the Bibles Unbound program, Bibles are printed in the appropriate language and smuggled directly to the field worker who collected the names. When the field worker receives the Bibles, he or she distributes them to those who previously requested the Bibles.
Whenever possible, VOM will distribute complete copies of the Bible. Where it is too dangerous or costly to deliver complete Bibles, VOM will deliver New Testaments.
In areas too dangerous to even collect names, a special "Covert" operation is assigned where you partner with Bible Couriers working at great risks to distribute Bibles.
Imagine the joy of a believer in a restricted nation who receives a complete Bible in his or her language for the very first time. They will be blessed by knowing it came from a believer in the west who responded directly to their need and is praying for them. Or perhaps your sponsored Bible will go to a person whose Bible was confiscated or destroyed by authorities hostile to the gospel. Or maybe it will go to someone who wants to share the Scripture with a Muslim or unbelieving friend.
Regardless of the exact situation, your contribution will have a direct effect on believers around the world who live in very dangerous areas.
“…I suffer hardship even to imprisonment as a criminal; but the word of God is not imprisoned.” - The Apostle Paul, 2 Timothy 2:9
Christians in hostile countries are frequently beaten or arrested for sharing their faith in Jesus Christ. Many have never even owned a complete Bible in their native language. However, they will not back down. These believers are ready to share their faith and the Word of God with curious neighbors, co-workers and even those opposed to the gospel.
Until recently, Christians in the free world could pray for the safety and evangelistic efforts of believers in hostile nations, but they had few ways to provide practical help. Now, through Bibles Unbound, we can add actions to our prayers by sponsoring Bibles for them to study and to share with others.
"It is often difficult and dangerous to speak openly about my faith. That's why the Bibles Unbound program is so important to me. Thank you for this incredible program that helps us further the gospel of Jesus Christ."
- Wu Xiong, a former prisoner for Christ and leader of a Chinese house church